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Guétawendé Job Wilfried Nassa

Country of origin

Burkina Faso


2023 – 2025 (AK12)


Healthcare, Research

Partner Company

Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH

The headline for my AFRIKA KOMMT! year:

„Leadership, collaboration and innovation: The year of all possibilities!“

Education / Academic Qualification:

  • Doctor of Medicine, University of Ouahigouya – School of Medicine (Burkina Faso)
  • Master of Science in Public Health, Institute of Tropical Medicine of Antwerp (Belgium)


Professional profile:

Guétawendé is a clinical trials researcher with a particular interest in malaria and viral hepatitis. He is also a public health advocate for vaccine-preventable diseases and antibiotic resistance. His aim is to conduct research that will have an impact on reducing the burden of preventable diseases in Africa through win-win collaboration with pharmaceutical companies looking for innovative solutions, but also by advocating better health policies and educating and raising awareness among the population.

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