Anthony Njuguna Matheri

Country of origin
Partner Company
Education/Academic Qualification
Bachelor, Masters and PhD in Chemical Engineering (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
Professional Profile
Dr. Anthony Njuguna Matheri is an expertise in Green/Circular/Digital Economy. He is a Researcher, Consulting Engineer and a Project Manager. He holds a PhD, Masters’ and Bachelors’ degrees in Chemical Engineering. He holds other professional certificates in Commercial Law, Intellectual Property, Managements and Finance, Disruptive Technologies, Data Science and Analytics, Water and Renewable Energies Technologies, Strategic Innovation, Climate Change, Bioproduction, Start-ups and Negotiations. He is a member of Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA), International Water Association (IWA) and International Association of Engineers (IAENG). He is a recipient of international research awards and research grants. He has authored and co-authored peer-reviewed book, journals, book chapters and presented at international conferences in Africa, USA, Asia, and Europe. He has filed two patents on energy and water.
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